Hey so this week has been eventfull so first of it's the day of the dead celebration and it's pretty cool but the people have like one big mixed idea about it haha the holiday is 2 days the first two days of Nov and people put out their huge offerings to their dead family members. The first they celebrate the innocent saints or AKA the little kids. And the second day is for everyone else and each house has a big offering full of food candy tequilla and lots of stuff in particular the favorite meals of the dead people so that's cool to see. And another cool thing is they make a special bread here only on these days called "pan de muerto" or "dead bread" it's really good and most eat it with coffee or chocolate milk soo good!!! So other than that all the kids dress up and they call it Halloween and they go around asking for candy so they have like 2 parts to the day of the dead the traditional and the new stuff but it's fun.
Other news yesterday we were at church and we just finished and we were outside talking with 2 guys that are 20 yrs old one we just baptized a few weeks ago and all the sunden Alejandro gets a phone call and he freaks out and throws his books on the ground and runs out on the street and starts yelling "where are you! Where are you!" and then tells us his sister is getting robbed in the ATM up the street so we go running up the street when we see a group of people running toward us so as they get closer we see they are chasing a guy and the guy they are chasing has a pistol!! So we get him kinda cornered between us and a wall and one of the guys who was chasing him(they were mechanics) threw a concrete covered brick at him and hit him right in the head! So he falls down and everyone jumps on him and kicks the gun away and then the mechanics start to beat him bad stomping on him everywhere (I'm surprised they didn't break any bones) but he did loose some teeth. So by this time our bishop and a bunch of the men in our ward showed up and then a cop showed up an asked what was going on and found out he robbed a 13 year old girl at gunpoint the cop kicked him! It was crazy the gun turned out to be fake so the cop handcuffs him and the robber sits up against the wall COVERED in blood(the brick busted a good hole in his head) and Alejandro looked through his pockets and found the money and card of his mom and one of the councelors to the bishop took video of it for evidence so the cops can't steal the money but it was crazy. So other than that happening it was a pretty normal week. We are going to celebrate my comps birthday today now that we have our money for the month and it should be fun! Haha my comp turned 26 haha but tell Sam I said happy birthday and a few spankins for sure. So yeah we were actually riding in the cage with the jaguar and the owner guy but no we didn't get any pics because the jag didn't like riding around I the cage through the city with all the lights and noise so we decided it be better not to improve the chances of is getting eaten because of a camera flash so that's a bummer but I'll send more animal pics soon well I better wrap this up haha hope you liked my story
Elder Curtis